Home CodeArduino Due Arduino Due and MMA7361 accelerometer example

Arduino Due and MMA7361 accelerometer example

by shedboy71

The MMA7361L is a low power, low profile capacitive micromachined accelerometer featuring signal conditioning, a 1-pole low pass filter, temperature compensation, self test, 0g-Detect which detects linear freefall, and g-Select which allows for the selection between 2 sensitivities. Zero-g offset and sensitivity are factory set and require no external devices. The MMA7361L includes a Sleep Mode that makes it ideal for handheld battery powered electronics.

• 3mm x 5mm x 1.0mm LGA-14 Package
• Low Current Consumption: 400 μA
• Sleep Mode: 3 μA
• Low Voltage Operation: 2.2 V – 3.6 V
• High Sensitivity (800 mV/g @ 1.5g)
• Selectable Sensitivity (±1.5g, ±6g)
• Fast Turn On Time (0.5 ms Enable Response Time)
• Self Test for Freefall Detect Diagnosis
• 0g-Detect for Freefall Protection
• Signal Conditioning with Low Pass Filter
• Robust Design, High Shocks Survivability
• RoHS Compliant
• Environmentally Preferred Product
• Low Cost

Typical Applications
• 3D Gaming: Tilt and Motion Sensing, Event Recorder
• HDD MP3 Player: Freefall Detection
• Laptop PC: Freefall Detection, Anti-Theft
• Cell Phone: Image Stability, Text Scroll, Motion Dialing, E-Compass
• Pedometer: Motion Sensing
• PDA: Text Scroll
• Navigation and Dead Reckoning: E-Compass Tilt Compensation
• Robotics: Motion Sensing

Schematic and connection

arduino due and mma7361

arduino due and mma7361




[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

int x;
int y;
int z;

void setup()

void loop()
x = analogRead(A0); // read A0 input pin
y = analogRead(A1); // read A1 input pin
z = analogRead(A2); // read A2 input pin
Serial.print("X = "); // print x value
Serial.print("Y = "); // print y value
Serial.print("Z = "); // print z value




Open the serial monitor and move the sensor around, you should see soemthing like this

X = 318
Y = 972
Z = 798
X = 855
Y = 834
Z = 747
X = 518
Y = 826
Z = 700
X = 517
Y = 822
Z = 660
X = 521
Y = 819
Z = 623
X = 521
Y = 809
Z = 585
X = 510
Y = 801
Z = 546




MMA7361 Angle Sensor Inclination Accelerometer Module For Arduino


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