Home CodeMBed STM32 Nucleo and MS5611 barometric pressure sensor example

STM32 Nucleo and MS5611 barometric pressure sensor example

by shedboy71

In this example we connect an MS5611 to an STM32 Nucleo – in this case it was a Nucleo-F446RE

This barometric pressure sensor is optimized for altimeters and variometers with an altitude resolution of 10 cm. The sensor module includes a high linearity pressure sensor and an ultra-low power 24 bit ΔΣ ADC with internal factory calibrated coefficients. It provides a precise digital 24 Bit pressure and temperature value and different operation modes that allow the user to optimize for conversion speed and current consumption. A high resolution temperature output allows the implementation of an altimeter/thermometer function without any additional sensor.




  • High resolution module, 10 cm
  • Fast conversion down to 1 ms
  • Low power, 1 µA (standby < 0.15 µA)
  • QFN package 5.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 mm3
  • Supply voltage 1.8 to 3.6 V
  • Integrated digital pressure sensor (24 bit ΔΣ ADC)
  • Operating range: 10 to 1200 mbar, -40 to +85 °C
  • I2C and SPI interface up to 20 MHz
  • No external components (Internal oscillator)
  • Excellent long term stability




ST32 Nucleo Module connection
3v3 Vcc
Gnd Gnd

Here is a layout

stm32nucleo and ms5611

stm32nucleo and ms5611


Import this into the MBEd compiler – https://os.mbed.com/teams/Aerodyne/code/MS5611Example/

I slightly modified to loop the output, thats about it

[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

/* MS5611 Pressure sensor example
Aerodyne Labs
#include “mbed.h”

//Only uncomment the one needed.
//#include “MS5611SPI.h”
#include “MS5611I2C.h”

int main() {
//Only uncomment the I2C or SPI version.
//MS5611SPI ms5611(p11, p12, p13, p10);
//MS5611I2C ms5611(p9, p10, false);
//PB_9 and PB_8 for Nucleo boards
MS5611I2C ms5611(PB_9, PB_8, false);
//Print the Coefficients from the
while(1) {
printf(“Pressure = %.0f Pa \r\n”, ms5611.getPressure());
printf(“Temperature = %.2f degC \r\n”, ms5611.getTemperature());
printf(“Altitude = %.2f m \r\n”, ms5611.getAltitude());




Use a program like teraterm and you should see something like this


ms5611 output

ms5611 output



GY-63 MS5611-01BA03 Precision MS5611 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor Module Height Sensor Module


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