In this example we take our Nucleo and AM2303 sensor example and we add an LCD Keypad shield and display the temperature and humidity on this. Here is a picture of that shield
You will need to add the freetronics LCD shield library
[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]
#include "mbed.h" #include "AM2303.h" #include "freetronicsLCDShield.h" freetronicsLCDShield lcd(D8, D9, D4, D5, D6, D7, D1, A0); /* Humidity sensor */ AM2303 h(D12); /* The main function */ int main() { /* Variables */ lcd.cls(); lcd.printf("AM2303 Humidity"); lcd.setCursorPosition(1, 0); int state; /* Infinate loop */ while(true) { /* Wait for measurement */ wait(2.0); /* Read the measured results */ state = h.readData(); lcd.setCursorPosition(1, 0); /* Show the data, otherwise error */ if (state != AM2303::OK) { lcd.printf("<Error: %d>\n", state); } else { lcd.printf("T:%2.1fC, H:%2.1f%%\n", h.readTemperature(), h.readHumidity()); } } }
DHT22 AM2302 Digital Temperature Humidity Sensor Chip Electronic Brick
1602 LCD Board Keypad Shield Blue Backlight