Home CodeEspruino Espruino and ADS1015 12 bit adc

Espruino and ADS1015 12 bit adc

by shedboy71

The ADS1015 is a precision analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with 12 bits of resolution offered in an ultra-small, leadless QFN-10 package or an MSOP-10 package. The ADS1015 are designed with precision, power, and ease of implementation in mind. The ADS1015 features an onboard reference and oscillator. Data are transferred via an I2C-compatible serial interface; four I2C slave addresses can be selected. The ADS1015 operate from a single power supply ranging from 2.0V to 5.5V.

The ADS1015-Q1 device can perform conversions at rates up to 3300 samples per second (SPS). An onboard PGA is available that offers input ranges from the supply to as low as ±256 mV, allowing both large and small signals to be measured with high resolution. The ADS1015-Q1 device also features an input multiplexer (MUX) that provides two differential or four single-ended inputs.

The ADS1015-Q1 device operates either in continuous conversion mode or a single-shot mode that automatically powers down after a conversion and greatly reduces current consumption during idle periods




This example shows how to connect the module to an Espruino, we also added a potentiometer which can be used to test.



This is the basic example from the Espruino web site, modified to keep looping and display the value

If you wanted to use ADC channel 1 to 3 you need to change the following

ads.getADC(0, function(val)

[codesyntax lang=”javascript”]


var ads = require("ADS1X15").connect(I2C1);

ads.setGain(256); // +/- 0.256mV

setInterval(function() {
ads.getADC(0, function(val) {
  console.log("Read ADC value: "+val);
}, 1000);





1pcs ADS1015 ADC ultra-compact 12-precision ADC module development board


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