Home Code STM32 Nucleo and LPS22HB absolute pressure sensor example using the Arduino IDE

STM32 Nucleo and LPS22HB absolute pressure sensor example using the Arduino IDE

by shedboy71

In this article we look at another absolute pressure sensor – this time its the LPS22HB and once again we will connect this to a STM32 nucleo

The LPS22HB is an ultra-compact piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor which functions as a digital output barometer. The device comprises a sensing element and an IC interface which communicates through I2C or SPI from the sensing element to the application.

The sensing element, which detects absolute pressure, consists of a suspended membrane manufactured using a dedicated process developed by ST.
The LPS22HB is available in a full-mold, holed LGA package (HLGA). It is guaranteed to operate over a temperature range extending from -40 °C to +85 °C. The package is holed to allow external pressure to reach the sensing element.


  • 260 to 1260 hPa absolute pressure range
  • Current consumption down to 3 μA
  • High overpressure capability: 20x full-scale
  • Embedded temperature compensation
  • 24-bit pressure data output
  • 16-bit temperature data output
  • ODR from 1 Hz to 75 Hz
  • SPI and I²C interfaces
  • Embedded FIFO
  • Interrupt functions: Data Ready, FIFO flags, pressure thresholds
  • Supply voltage: 1.7 to 3.6 V
  • High shock survivability: 22,000 g


Parts Required



I used 3v3, there is a Vin pin and I could have quite easily used 5v

Nucleo Sensor
3v3 3v3
Gnd Gnd


Code Example

This uses the library from hhttps://github.com/adrien3d/IO_LPS22HB

This is a library for the LPS22HB Absolute Digital Barometer

Designed to work with all kinds of LPS22HB Breakout Boards

These sensors use I2C, 2 pins are required to interface, as this :
VDD to 3.3V DC
SCL to A5
SDA to A4
GND to common groud

Written by Adrien Chapelet for IoThings

#include <Wire.h>

#include "IO_LPS22HB.h"

IO_LPS22HB lps22hb;

void setup()
Serial.println("IoThings LPS22HB Arduino Test");


byte who_am_i = lps22hb.whoAmI();
Serial.print("Who Am I? 0x");
Serial.print(who_am_i, HEX);
Serial.println(" (expected: 0xB1)");
if (who_am_i != LPS22HB_WHO_AM_I_VALUE) {
Serial.println("Error while retrieving WHO_AM_I byte...");
while (true) {
// loop forever

void loop()
Serial.print(" mbar, T=");



Open the serial monitor and you should see something like this

IoThings LPS22HB Arduino Test
Who Am I? 0xB1 (expected: 0xB1)
P=954.86 mbar, T=27.43C
P=954.91 mbar, T=27.40C
P=954.86 mbar, T=27.37C
P=954.88 mbar, T=27.34C
P=954.89 mbar, T=27.34C
P=954.88 mbar, T=27.33C
P=954.90 mbar, T=27.27C
P=954.87 mbar, T=27.22C




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