This is similar to the previous example, this time we will display the time on our LCD. If you are familiar with JavaScript you will recognise some of the code …
These displays were used in old Nokia 5110 cell phones. It is a 84×48 pixel monochrome LCD display and you can use it for graphics, text or bitmaps. To use …
This piece of hardware is the Espruino Pico which is designed to be programmed in Javascript ,the Pico is designed to plug right into you computer’s USB type A connector, …
Go to the micro:bit web site and follow the hyperlink to Create Code. Choose the Microsoft Block Editor and make a New Project. Look in the Basic section for the …
In the last couple of days I managed to get my hands ona Micro Bit, if you have no idea what i am talking about then this will introduce you …
In this example we will do a simple flashing led project for a stm32f0discovery board, I used Coocox IDE 1.7.8. I did try the newer version and didn’t really like the …
This example shows how to connect a joystick to your St Nucleo. This could be used for games or perhaps navigating through a menu for example Here is a picture of …
I purchased this module as part of a microcontroller kit, its an interesting little module as it has 16 buttons but with only 1 I/O line is required, an analog input. …
In this example we will take the previous bmp180 example – Nucleo and BMP180 example. This time again we will connect an LCD Keypad shield and display the temperature and pressure …
In this example we will connect a BMP180 sensor to our Nucleo board. Typically this is in some sort of breakout or module such as the one below Description …
In this example we take our Nucleo and AM2303 sensor example and we add an LCD Keypad shield and display the temperature and humidity on this. Here is a picture of that …
AM2302 capacitive humidity sensing digital temperature and humidity module is one that contains the compound has been calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity sensors. Application of a …